Textbook Inventory Management System training available

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) is encouraging all district school textbook coordinators and administrators to attend one of five TIMS 2.0 training sessions. Textbook coordinators will need to go through the training to receive TIMS 2.0 login information.

To register, go to https://infograph.venngage.com/pl/5MloUD81vZY.

In spring 2022, the MDE procured Ingram Education Services as the regional textbook depository. Along with the depository, Ingram Education Services has developed a new Textbook Inventory Management System or TIMS 2.0.

The registration process includes a short form asking for name, email, district, school (if needed), and role (district or school coordinator).

Once registered, participants will receive an email confirmation with TEAMS invite information.

For more information, email Elizabeth Simmons at esimmons@mdek12.org. To be added to the textbook listserv, please include your name, role, and name of school and/or district.