Collaborations in Secondary Science, Math session set for March 10

Register by Feb. 27, for a session on Collaborations in Secondary Science and Math. This session aims to bring together secondary mathematics and science teachers to identify and build connections between the subject areas. We will explore connections  between the Science and Engineering Practices and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Participants will also discuss the differences in the use of common vocabulary and engage in examples of cross-curricular investigations incorporating skills from both math and the physical sciences.

CEUs: 0.6 CEUs

Grade Band: 6–12 Math & Science

Date: March 10, 2023

Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Registration Deadline: Feb. 27

Location: The University of Mississippi
Jackson Avenue Center, Room Q24
1111 Jackson Avenue West, Oxford, MS

Registration Fee: $150 includes CEUs

Registration Link:

For more information, please contact The Center for Mathematics and Science

Education (662) 915-6621

Please see attached flyer.