Teachers can receive free, educational Vietnam War resources

The History & Legacy Branch (H&L) of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC) invites teachers to receive education resources at no cost.  The H&L Branch offers posters that are visually engaging and easily digestible primers for students on a variety of topics about the Vietnam War and Vietnam veterans.  Additionally, a Teachers’ Toolkit is available that is filled with resources, Vietnam War websites, lesson suggestions, media sources, and more.

Posters and the teachers’ Toolkit can be downloaded from https://www.vietnamwar50th.com/history_and_legacy/posters/ and https://www.vietnamwar50th.com/history_and_legacy/teachers_toolkit/, respectively.

To request hard copies of these resources, please email whs.pentagon.wso.mbx.vnwar50th-edu@mail.mil.  Emails are monitored regularly.