Mathematics book study opportunities available for districts’ instructional leaders; registration required

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) is offering district leadership an opportunity to participate in book studies based on the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics or NCTM’s research on an effective mathematics school program set for April 11 through June 10.

Leadership staff includes superintendents, school administrators, mathematics curriculum directors, instructional specialists, coaches, interventionists, and exceptional education leaders. This research is the basis for multiple support documents and training the MDE will be releasing throughout the year. Therefore, we strongly encourage administrators and other leadership stakeholders to take advantage of this opportunity. The ultimate goal is to familiarize instructional leaders with the effective practices of teaching and learning within the K-12 mathematics classroom. To know and evaluate the essential elements of an effective mathematics program and begin to have those critical conversations to support effective change throughout their school and district to benefit the success of all students in mathematics.

Registration for these courses began Feb. 14.  Classes will begin April 11. Seating for each course is limited. If you cannot enroll due to class occupancy being at its limit, please note these courses will be offered again.

Each book study is free for Mississippi educators, will require the purchase of the text, and upon successful completion, will offer 2.5 CEUs, 20 SEMIs, or 2 OSLs.

This research is the basis for multiple support documents and training the MDE will be releasing throughout the year. Therefore, we strongly encourage administrators and other leadership stakeholders to take advantage of this opportunity. The ultimate goal is to familiarize instructional leaders with the effective practices of teaching and learning within the K-12 mathematics classroom. To know and evaluate the essential elements of an effective mathematics program and begin to have those critical conversations to support effective change throughout their school and district to benefit the success of all students in mathematics.

 Please find descriptions and registration information below.

Principles to Action:  Ensuring Mathematical Success for All

Released in 2014, this text builds on the principles articulated in Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 2000) to present six, updated Guiding Principles for School Mathematics. In this text, NCTM has defined and described the principles and actions, including specific teaching practices, essential for high-quality mathematics education for all students.

To register for this course, click here.

Text: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014). Principles to Action:  Ensuring Mathematical Success for All.  Reston, VA:  NCTM.

Catalyzing Change in School Mathematics:  Initiating Critical Conversations– Book Studies-

NCTM’s Catalyzing Change Trilogy: Early Childhood and Elementary (2020), Middle (2020), and High School (2018) are three grade-band-specific texts that provide key recommendations for catalyzing change in school mathematics K-12. This series of texts aim to invoke critical conversations among instructional leaders and stakeholders in mathematics education to strengthen their school mathematics program. The results of this work address policy, practices, and issues and include practical recommendations to help create positive change.

To register for the Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary School course, click here.

Text: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2020). Catalyzing Change in Early Childhood and Elementary School Mathematics:  Initiating Critical Conversations.  Reston, VA:  NCTM.

To register for the Catalyzing Change in Middle School course, click here.

Text:  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2020). Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics:  Initiating Critical Conversations.  Reston, VA:  NCTM.

To register for the Catalyzing Change in High School course, click here.

Text:  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2018). Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics:  Initiating Critical Conversations.  Reston, VA:  NCTM.

If you have any questions regarding this invitation, please contact Tommisha Johnson, Ed.S., K-12 Mathematics Director, at (601) 359-3461 or