Early Childhood Coach and Professional Development Specialist Educator in Residence Request for Applications Due: November 30, by 2:00 p.m.

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), Office of Early Childhood is seeking competitive Requests for Application (RFAs) from qualified applicants for full-time, 12-month Educators-in-Residence (EIR) to provide support services to pre-k teachers and administrators for the Mississippi Department of Education. School Districts, Community Colleges, and Institutes of Higher Learning are eligible as grant recipients and can claim up to 5% indirect cost to sponsor an applicant.

Applicants must provide an application and all required documents in a sealed envelope for each position described below, to be considered:

a) Early Childhood Coach (regular education and special education) Educator-in-Residence


b) Professional Development Specialist Educator-in-Residence

The Program’s goals and objectives to provide successful services are to:

a) Work with the MDE Office of Early Childhood staff to prioritize, schedule, organize, and provide technical assistance to teachers and administrators to ensure students and families receive appropriate services and may include possible leadership opportunities.

b) Develop new presentations, provide on-site supports and trainings, and develop innovative resources to improve instruction for increased student outcomes.

The link to the RFA is: RFA – Early Childhood Educator in Residence (EIR).

Since this is a published RFP, staff cannot answer any individual questions.  If you do have questions about the RFA, you may email them to Jill Dent (jdent@mdek12.org) by November 9th and responses will be posted on the page with the RFA on November 12, 2021.