Promote the Vote 2021

We are pleased to extend a personal invitation to your school district to participate in our comprehensive K-12 voter education program, Promote the Vote (PTV). This year’s “Vote Local” theme will educate students on the importance of voting at the local level through targeted activities and contests.   We are fortunate to have Mississippi Public Broadcasting’s education division partner with us to encourage school, teacher, and student participation across the state.

This year’s PTV program will include a mock election focusing on local races. Students from Kindergarten through 5th Grade will learn about local (fictional) candidates running for Mayor of their community. Students from 6th through 12th Grade will organize a “local election” for their grade level by creating campaigns and materials for local offices. We will provide guides for the mock elections and supplemental materials to use. The mock elections will take place in October.

All students, Kindergarten through 12th Grade, can participate in the art contest by designing a political cartoon related to the local election process.  In the essay contest for 6th through 12th Grade students, entrants will respond to the prompt, “What characteristics or leadership qualities do you look for when choosing a candidate to best represent your community?” In the digital art contest for 6th through 12th Grade students, entrants will design a homepage for a fictional campaign website.  Submissions for all contests will be due December 3, 2021, and an awards ceremony will be held in Jackson early in 2022.

Online registration is now open at, and all program materials will be available to teachers by the close of registration on Friday, September 24th.  Please follow @MississippiSOS on Twitter and Mississippi Secretary of State’s office on Facebook for up-to-date announcements related to PTV.

If you have any questions or need assistance in registering, please contact the External Affairs Division at (601)-359-4454 or by email at Thank you again for your participation and for all you do for our children. We look forward to working with you to shape the next generation of Mississippi leaders.