Fall Literacy Professional Development Series

Fall Professional Learning Opportunities

The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Elementary Education and Reading, Division of Literacy is pleased to announce fall professional learning opportunities for coaches, teachers, paraprofessionals, and school- and district- level leaders. The goal of the Strong Readers! series is to provide Mississippi educators with an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the Science of Reading (SoR) and the implementation of the science through a Structured Literacy Model. 

   As we continue the momentum of improving literacy and learning outcomes for ALL students, session strands will focus on the topics below.  Please use the registration link(s) to choose a specific location and session: 

   Grade Bands K-2: “Building Strong Readers”  


§  Comprehension is an Outcome Not a Strategy  

§  Sound Walls  

§  Beyond the Flashcards- Sight Word Reading is Not Flashcard Reading  

 Grade Bands 3-5: “Growing Strong Readers” 


§  How Do We know if Instruction is Working?  

§  Orthographic Mapping  

§  Supporting Unfinished Learning  

 Paraprofessionals: “Supporting Strong Readers” 


§  Strategies for Behavior & Classroom Management  

§  Heggerty Phonological Awareness  

§  Toolbox for Literacy Success  

 School- and District- Level Administrators, Coaches, and Lead Teachers: “Coaching: Progress is a Process” 


MDE literacy coaches will define and discuss the effective characteristics of coaching, the phases of coaching, applying the coaching model, and the importance of delivering and receiving responsive feedback.  During this session, participants will also explore the difference in light coaching and heavy coaching as they participate in “real-time” scenario activities.    

 Questions should be emailed to askacoach@mdek12.org.