ACTION NEEDED: K-3 Screener Data Upload

As a requirement of state law (Miss. Code Ann. § 37-23-16), each local school district shall use screeners in Kindergarten through 3rd grade.  Universal screener data must be submitted three times a year to be reimbursed for screener costs. As a reminder, the K-3 Universal Screener and Kindergarten Readiness Assessment are both checked for Kindergarten as they are both required by Mississippi Code and State Board policy. If districts use Renaissance as their screener, then the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment suffices as the beginning-of-year and end-of-year universal screener since the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment is STAR Early Literacy. If districts do not use Renaissance, the Kindergarten Readiness and the Universal Screener must both be given.









At this time, we need each district to submit BOY universal screener data for each school and grade level within the district, the selection notification and grant application for approved screeners, and an invoice for PreK-3rd grade screeners. All information will be collected through the SharePoint site. District test coordinators have login rights to the site, online at The updated data submission document, the selection notification and grant application for approved screeners, and detailed directions on the upload process are linked below.

Please contact Melissa Beck at 601.359.5245 or with questions. Please upload BOY universal screener data, the selection notification and grant application for  approved screeners, and an invoice for PreK through 3rd grade screeners no later than October 1, 2021.