2022 Mississippi Parent of the Year application deadline is Jan. 25

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Parent of the Year application deadline is Jan. 25, 2022.

For the Parent of the Year Program, each local school district is invited to select an outstanding parent who has made a significant commitment to their local school through their dedication to students and contribution of their generous gifts of time and other resources.  The local school district’s candidate for Mississippi Parent of the Year should be submitted using the Parent of the Year 2022 Application.  A finalist will be selected from each of the four Mississippi Congressional Districts, and from these finalists, the 2022 Mississippi Parent of the Year will be named.

MDE strongly promotes the active involvement of parents in their children’s education in all Mississippi public schools.  It is undeniable that regardless of socioeconomic status, parent involvement and support have a powerful impact, at minimum, on students’ academic achievement, attendance, behavior, social functioning, and mental health.  The critical importance of parent involvement in Mississippi public schools was acknowledged by the members of the legislature with the enactment of Miss. Code Ann. § 37-3-73.  This law authorized the Mississippi Board of Education to establish an awards program to publicly recognize each year the dedication and commitment of parents who have partnered with their local schools to help ensure the success of their school improvement efforts.

For answers to questions regarding this process, contact Sandra Hilliard at (601) 359-3513 or shilliard@mdek12.org. Applications must be postmarked by Jan. 25, 2022.

Parent of the Year 2022 Application

Memorandum – 2022 Mississippi Parent of the Year Request for Nominations